
Some of the competition robots designed, built, and programmed by me.

I competed in the VEX Robotics Competition from 2018 - 2021, an extracurricular activity that eventually sparked my interest in robotics. My team’s stats can be found here.

2019 - 2020 (Tower Takeover)
2020 - 2021 (Change Up)

Depending on the internet, the CAD models might take a minute to fully load.


2019 - 2020 (Tower Takeover)

Game Objective: Picking up and stacking plastic cubes
Robot Videos: Playlist
Global Ranking: 18th (combined); 3rd (programming)

Robot CAD Model:


2020 - 2021 (Change Up)

Game Objective: Picking up plastic spheres and dropping them into cylindrical baskets
Robot Videos: Iteration 1 Playlist, Iteration 2 Playlist
Global Ranking: 5th (combined)

Iteration 1 Robot CAD Model:

Iteration 2 Robot CAD Model:


Other Things

Robot code from past seasons; Guides written by me